The American Italian Food Coalition is an alliance of more than 530 Italian companies, manufacturers, and trade associations dedicated to ensuring American consumers continue to have access to high-quality, affordable imported Italian products including pasta, coffee, biscuits, and wafers.

Introducing “At The Table with Susan and Lucy”

Our coalition co-chairs Susan Molinari and Lucy Calautti know better than anyone what it means to be a trailblazing Italian-American. At The Table features the two of them discussing all things food, heritage, and even a little politics with a few special guests along the way.

The Benefits of the Mediterranean Diet

  • “We must promote healthy diets that safeguard traditional food cultures and be aware that there are no 'one size fits all' solutions.”

    – Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi

  • “A Mediterranean-style diet may help lower your risk for certain diseases, improve your mood, and boost your energy levels.”

    – Univ. of Michigan Health

  • “A study conducted on 26,000 women over 12 years has found that consumption of the Mediterranean diet can reduce the chance of developing cardiovascular disease by 25%.”

    - Dr. Sanchari Sinha Dutta

  • “In men and women at high risk of cardiovascular disease, the Mediterranean-style diet also reduced risk of stroke. This means that following a healthy balanced diet is important for everyone both young and old.”

    - Dr. Ailsa A. Welch, professor of nutritional epidemiology at the University of East Anglia

Featured Update



In the Coalition’s First Report, Group Explores Long-Standing Bilateral Relationship And Benefits

Meet Our Leadership


Rep. Susan Molinari

“As a Second Generation Italian-American, I couldn’t be prouder to serve as Chair of the American Italian Food Coalition. I am encouraged by and confident that the Biden Administration will continue to rebuild our ties with Italy and Europe at the critical time.”


Lucy Calautti

“The ties that bind the United States and Italy are deep and strong cemented in our shared cultural experience that I know so well growing up a proud Italian American. I couldn’t be happier to be working with Susan Molinari as we work to highlight the importance of Italian food and culture to American officials.”